Friday, July 13, 2012

New Minecraft shots

4 more shots from my new castle and the massive quarry I am digging out.

This is the second floor looking down on to the main floor.

This is the view from the ground floor looking all the way up to the roof.

Outside view...heh now I see where that Zombie came from!

This last one is looking down into the massive quarry I am digging out. I have found several old mines, lots of underground water and lava...massive areas to explore.


  1. Wow, you use a lot of torches.

  2. Ha, well it is supposed to keep bad things from spawning. I have found creepers and such INSIDE my castle before it was lit up. At least that is what Emily tells me.

  3. I think they work up to 7 blocks away -- which means you can go 14 down a tunnel without spawners. I think.
