Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Just waiting

for Marcin to tell me his toon names so we can have our MMO date.

Time's awastin'

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My awesome Normandy sweatshirt (19.99 on clearance) has shipped!! (get it, shipped?)

Monday, January 23, 2012

I do

...still dig the iPhone.

SWTOR...still going. There are I think 5 level 50's in the guild so far. I am level 30 and level 16. It is now time for my concerted effort to hit 50. But really I need to get some ship upgrades- the latest space mission take I think 14 missiles and I carry 16. I need MOAR missiles!. I need to work in some PvP and I haven't even finished Chapter 1 of my storyline.

One thing that came up that I thought was fun...as I was leaving Tatooine, there was a sneaky looking character skulking about in the hanger. A quest giver. He wanted to know if wanted to hang out on Tatooine a bit longer and help some folks out. Since I like to finish things and since I really did need to level up one more time before moving on, I agreed. The entire set of quests were about helping out farmers from pirates to recovering stolen water. Once I finished, and headed to my ship, he was, naturally there, to thank me for not leaving the people in a lurch. Turns out he is some kind of undercover Jedi, that claims to have been watching me and was very happy with my "progress" and claims to see big things for me.

It is a little thing but THAT makes the story in SWTOR so fun to discover-you really don't know what will happen next.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I hate to say it kid, but I really do love my iPhone. Got all my apps so far (had to pay for turn by turn navigation but hey, I got a gift card for Christmas) The screen is very slick, the speed is nice, and the batter life is 10 times what I had on my Droid Incredible.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Myth Busters

Awesome show, AND Wil Wheaton was there.

AND...it seems that I need to work on my healer a bit as well. As for Em, fortunnately I was able to rescue the Skyrim saves folder for her so the system reinstall was not so painful. She is back to killing everyone in the game and is happy.

Oh, one last thing...if this is the title of a movie script you are given as an actor, and this is the story they tell you the movie is about, what would prompt you to say, yeah sure I'll do it?

Easter Bunny, Kill! Kill!
2006NR90 minutes
A single mother leaves her special-needs son in the care of her boyfriend and his friend, who cruelly abuse the little boy. But a killer dressed as the Easter Bunny sets out to avenge their demented crimes.

Friday, January 13, 2012


Gonna go look at stuff at the Verizon store tomorrow.

SWTOR continues to be fun...still I am not sure why I am only level 26 and I started playing the same time everyone else did.

We are going to see the Myth Busters live show on Sunday-kinda random but hopefully fun.

Marcin, update your blog.

Hmm, now I am kinda excited about possibly taking the train to and from Oregon this summer. Train travel, especially overnight, is great fun.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Contract is up...I fear it is time to make the iPhone plunge. Wife is nagging me for one. I am but a clone. *sigh*

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

And while I am waiting on Comic Con...tonite I install my wireless repeater and see if I can get some semblance of a signal to the back of my huge house (30 feet from the router, if that). #lamewallsftl

Comic Con

So I did the yearly look at the Comic Con web page to see what I am gonna miss again, when BEHOLD...they have some new fangled system where you get an ID and that, somehow, is going to make it easier for people to register and harder for scalpers to get tickets since you only get 1 ticket per ID....so the kid and I now have our ID's. Could this be the year we finally get to go?

Haaa, I doubt it but I am gonna try.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Check out this rambling blurp about the Kindle Fire I just came up with:

I have a Nook (imho it is a far superior piece of hardware than the Kindle touch- Wife has the kindle and frankly the Nook is much spiffier) for reading and a Fire for everything else.

I have now had my Fire for 2 weeks.

Movies- love it- perfect size for lap sitting. I travel a lot. All the hotels have wifi so between Prime and Netflix, I am covered. The size and weight are perfect for laying in bed or sitting at the desk eating takeout and watching.

Apps and such. I use it every boring. I ready the NYtimes, USA today, AP feed and a few others. Don't need a news paper delivered when I get it all for free. That said, the Apps are VERY limited. It is the Amazon app store, not the Android app store. I hope that changes soon. I have some apps on my phone that I would love on my Kindle but alas they are not offered yet. That is my big downside right now to the Fire...While there may not be many apps out there I want, I *feel* like there are so that is an issue for me.

Email- I have both my verizon pop acct and my gmail- they both work great.

Websurfing- works just fine- frankly I never open my laptop any more at home- no reason when that little 7 inches is sitting on the coffee table next to my beer.

Reading- I am a huge proponent of e-reader/e-ink. I love it. I think everyone in the world should have an e-reader. I will always travel with BOTH the fire and the kindle/nook. Not a big deal-they are both small and light but for full time reading, e-ink is great. Plus, if you go sit by the pool- that LED screen just won't cut it. Plus it is lighter and thusly easier to hold. I do have the comics app on the fire -ComicsX I believe- anyway that works just fine. You may have to expand an bit on some of the small text but no biggie. I just got my first magazine sub on it- PC Gamer- I was NOT going to spend 9 bucks to get the SWTOR issue when the sub is 2 dollars a month and I can cancel for no charge in 2 weeks. Verdict? I like it- it is not perfect- there is some size issue again- you would not have that on the iPad but, for a 200 dollar tablet that is this slick- I could not be happier.

Bottom line, for the price, this thing is fantastic. I do need to couple it with an e-reader but I knew that going it- it was never meant to replace an e-reader and it doesn't but...now I get all those spiffy .99 book deals from Amazon, I can watch some silly old movies that I never got around to watching, and really there is not much of a downside- all for 200 dollars.

Oh a note on that 29.00 mar ware case- get it. Works like a charm. Compact, sturdy, and the stand works great for movies and it doesn't make the Fire BIG.

I know I am a bit late and rambling but frankly I think there is too much "it's not an iPad" and other negative talk about the Fire. My kid has an iPad and there is no way you can read for a long period of time- it is too heavy. That said, a bigger screen is nice for magazines, movies and such but it is also 300 dollars more. If I had an iPad 2 I would not have a Fire for sure- but since I don't...I got the Fire. Would I trade it for an iPad 2? Maybe but only if you give me the 300.00....Cause I just don't see it being that much better. But again, different device, different crowd, different market.


We are done...We have introduced the kid to basically 12 hours of Legolas. Seriously, if I hear "OHHHHHHHH he is sOOOOOOO cute" one more time!! ;)

Now we sit and wait for The Hobbit.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I now have a Wookie. As a smuggler, this is an absolute must. Screenshot coming- it was really late when I finished this last nite and I was too tired to get a shot.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ok back. I want to do more here or maybe not. At least more screens from SWTOR...which I missed while out of town. (they need a mac app)

My Kindle Fire is the bees knees for sure. I finally watched Titan AE.

California drivers are indeed the absolute worst in the country. I live here. I just drove 500 miles up and back on the 5 freeway. 2 lanes in either direction. It's not hard. Drive in the right lane. Pass on the left, then move back in the right lane. It really isn't that hard at all. Oh wait, yes it is.