Check out this rambling blurp about the Kindle Fire I just came up with:
I have a Nook (imho it is a far superior piece of hardware than the Kindle touch- Wife has the kindle and frankly the Nook is much spiffier) for reading and a Fire for everything else.
I have now had my Fire for 2 weeks.
Movies- love it- perfect size for lap sitting. I travel a lot. All the hotels have wifi so between Prime and Netflix, I am covered. The size and weight are perfect for laying in bed or sitting at the desk eating takeout and watching.
Apps and such. I use it every boring. I ready the NYtimes, USA today, AP feed and a few others. Don't need a news paper delivered when I get it all for free. That said, the Apps are VERY limited. It is the Amazon app store, not the Android app store. I hope that changes soon. I have some apps on my phone that I would love on my Kindle but alas they are not offered yet. That is my big downside right now to the Fire...While there may not be many apps out there I want, I *feel* like there are so that is an issue for me.
Email- I have both my verizon pop acct and my gmail- they both work great.
Websurfing- works just fine- frankly I never open my laptop any more at home- no reason when that little 7 inches is sitting on the coffee table next to my beer.
Reading- I am a huge proponent of e-reader/e-ink. I love it. I think everyone in the world should have an e-reader. I will always travel with BOTH the fire and the kindle/nook. Not a big deal-they are both small and light but for full time reading, e-ink is great. Plus, if you go sit by the pool- that LED screen just won't cut it. Plus it is lighter and thusly easier to hold. I do have the comics app on the fire -ComicsX I believe- anyway that works just fine. You may have to expand an bit on some of the small text but no biggie. I just got my first magazine sub on it- PC Gamer- I was NOT going to spend 9 bucks to get the SWTOR issue when the sub is 2 dollars a month and I can cancel for no charge in 2 weeks. Verdict? I like it- it is not perfect- there is some size issue again- you would not have that on the iPad but, for a 200 dollar tablet that is this slick- I could not be happier.
Bottom line, for the price, this thing is fantastic. I do need to couple it with an e-reader but I knew that going it- it was never meant to replace an e-reader and it doesn't I get all those spiffy .99 book deals from Amazon, I can watch some silly old movies that I never got around to watching, and really there is not much of a downside- all for 200 dollars.
Oh a note on that 29.00 mar ware case- get it. Works like a charm. Compact, sturdy, and the stand works great for movies and it doesn't make the Fire BIG.
I know I am a bit late and rambling but frankly I think there is too much "it's not an iPad" and other negative talk about the Fire. My kid has an iPad and there is no way you can read for a long period of time- it is too heavy. That said, a bigger screen is nice for magazines, movies and such but it is also 300 dollars more. If I had an iPad 2 I would not have a Fire for sure- but since I don't...I got the Fire. Would I trade it for an iPad 2? Maybe but only if you give me the 300.00....Cause I just don't see it being that much better. But again, different device, different crowd, different market.
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