Monday, July 30, 2012

Closing in

on 205. That will be 55 pounds lost. Oh and I can hike again without feeling like a heart attack is coming on. Good stuff!

Civilization 5 rocks. Alice Madness is visually fun, yet lots of samey. Still going though. Metro 2033- gotta love Russian fps/rpg's. They make the best atmosphere.

GW2 can't come fast enough. Glad WoW is a month head would have assploded!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I'm still around. Got hugely caught up in the Steam summer sale. I finally figured out how to get Civ V to save on Steam Cloud...reading definitely helps!

207 so yay me. Still trying to be "1 something" by the time we go to Dad's in mid-August. It is doable, probably.

Minecraft continues to consume. The kid is now smitten with Quake 3. Who woulda thunk?

Friday, July 13, 2012

New Minecraft shots

4 more shots from my new castle and the massive quarry I am digging out.

This is the second floor looking down on to the main floor.

This is the view from the ground floor looking all the way up to the roof.

Outside view...heh now I see where that Zombie came from!

This last one is looking down into the massive quarry I am digging out. I have found several old mines, lots of underground water and lava...massive areas to explore.

Monday, July 9, 2012


Still stuck at 210...that is like 10 days now. Purge? heh Ok no purging, but maybe more bike riding.

Minecraft is so much is Tribes. One more beta test for GW2 and then 7 weeks until release. I will get some MC pics up later...part 1 of my walkway is complete- still needs to add the rail system but it is a start. My castle has a roof-yay for not getting rained on when sleeping. Major excavation of the mountain continues. 2 hidden mines have been found. Need LOTS of torches!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Tribes Ascend

ARGH!! Can't stop playing. Lovin' my Technician. Aerial Assaults fTw!